It was the mid 90’s when I stood leaning on the kitchen doorway frame while my partner ran up the stairs to grab iron for a job I had in mind. I’d found a corner where the dope boy's running it only kept a single pistol hidden taped under a street side mailbox. It was so sloppy it was as if they were casting a magic spell to summon me.
As I waited, I watched a man in the living room snapping Polaroid pictures of the pair of young girls sitting on the couch. They were beautiful teenage girls, perhaps a hair older than myself. They were all smiles while eating up the attention. Just giggling as they hit the joint passed to them and posing playfully like it was a Vogue photoshoot.
They were all having such a great time “playing around”.....
My partner returned with what we needed, pausing next to me as he passed to whisper, “them chicken heads ‘bout to get they neck broke fo’ real”. He was right, I knew where this was going as well or better than he did. I was just glad I was heading out to do something less shameful. At least my victims understood they were in danger.
Your “Civil Society” does this publicly now.
Let's start off by putting myself on blast by admitting that I don't follow the Whatever Podcast nor do I watch any of the other ones just like it. I've seen the clips, it's trash. That said, I'm going to rant anyway. If you want research, there's an arrow in the upper left hand corner that'll see you out.
First and foremost, the girls in these clips are victims. Save your “adults are free to make their own decisions” copy and paste reply for someone else. Unlike you, I know that the trick those traffickers utilized best wasn't violence and coercion, it was making those girls believe they were the ones making the choice and then slowly leading them down that path of prostitution. Do you really think hookers were lying to the police just because they were afraid of getting pimp slapped?
Where these girls were once groomed by pimp's, Bottoms and traffickers in secret, it's now a socially acceptable assembly line. Somehow, during my years away in prison, y'all took a crime committed by only the worst people and turned it into a mainstream hustle. Imagine my surprise when I realized that Hoe had become a life goal.
Through overcompensating “girl power”, social media, the addiction of “likes”, the accepted sexualization of teens, and a whole host of other reasons that so many others have covered already, people managed to create a world where a girl's worth begins and ends with her body. It's very progressive in that it's literally the most regressive thing I could possibly imagine.
When someone like me is able to say your moral compass is broken, the correct reaction is to feel shame.
That said, I also don't have patience for excuses. While I recognize that these girls have been programmed damn near from birth to feel and think as they do, that cop-out alone doesn't work on me. So was I. My earliest memories involved shoplifting because I was taught that's how we have a “picnic”. We stole what we could and then snuck away to eat it. I was literally taught that's what having a picnic meant.
Just like they're slippery slope begins with nothing more than “sexually suggestive” pictures, so did my path start with only slightly mischievous acts. All of these roads lead down a very steep hill. One where the further you travel, the faster you go. Eventually it becomes all but impossible to stop running without falling and severely injuring yourself.
Yet even then, I understood that what I was doing was wrong.
They know that too.
Even with all of the social engineering and programming, we have instincts that tell us the truth. Our minds make excuses to justify our behavior, yet our gut is always pushing back. Our brain says it knows best but our bones always know better. They ignore those warnings just as I had. Because of that, I have sympathy for circumstances but no forgiveness for choices.
That's why I pity them for the path they've taken to Onlyfans or whatever similar exploitation they've imposed on themselves while recognizing that they still need to be dealt with. Because I now see something very familiar in them. I see people I once knew.
These girls, these influencers, are Bottoms. I explain them in greater detail in my article “What’s her Name”. The shorter version is that they're the girls who have already fully committed to that life and were actively participating in recruiting and bringing up the next batch to be used and abused. They were the bait and also the madams. That makes what these girls are doing, while a tragedy for themselves, a very real and tangible threat to others. The old rule was that each Bottom inevitably creates two more. If you understand exponential growth then you now have a better grasp as to why this has become so prevalent and widespread so quickly.
Unfortunately, while I'm able to recognize and identify the threat, I am not the person who has a solution. That's what y'all are for, that's why I want you to see and understand this.
That said, I'm still hungry and there are others involved in these kinds of podcasts who's lunch I can eat.
The dudes running these “pay for shame” shit shows don't get a pass with me either. I'm an equal opportunity aluminum bat to the head. While I'm concerned about the girls, I'm mad at the guys.
The irony of putting so much effort into posting “gotcha” clips is that, while the aim is to make the girl look bad, you also succeed in making yourself look like trash.
To word it the only way I can think of, flexing on a woman is a weird flex.
I've read the argument that they're simply pointing out the problem and pushing back. Anyone who thinks that's the case, I've noticed your mittens are sewn to your sleeves, does your caretaker know you've wandered off?
There is absolutely nothing noble or righteous in what these guys are doing. They have no altruistic motives in shining light on this problem. That's because they're not out to solve it, they're out to exploit it and get their cut of the cash. Trick no good, game recognizes game.
While they may be spouting the right moral language, they're saying all of the right things, that's all completely negated by their actions. Andrew Tate says some things that are correct too but that doesn't change he's also setting up the casting couch cameras as well. What a person says is the final part of the message you should pay attention to. Lying and manipulation are spoken arts.
They know that they're not changing hearts and minds. They know they're audience already believes what they're saying, (that's why they're saying it). It's called catering. They also know that the Onlyfans subscriptions skyrocket with each pretty face they host. Don't fool yourself into thinking they're not studying the stats and responding to feedback.
These turd-burglars know full well they're not solving the problem, they're promoting it. I'm a moron and I can see it even through my casual observations.
I don't like bullies so let's really commit to some character assassinations. Call it the instinct in me to shield women even when they're wrong. Some call it White Knighting, I prefer Captain Savaho.
These clips, my god these clips. Regardless of how stroke-inducingly dumb the girls may seem, how can anyone look past the smug, uppity and weasley tone of the guys dunking on them? There's more testosterone in a peach margarita than what these dudes are producing.
And that's part of the problem.
These aren't cases where men are stepping in to be patient, say the hard things no one wants to say, while responding to what's being said to them rather than reacting like children. They're approaching these women like bitter ex boyfriends rather than like fathers. They're aim isn't to help, it's to hurt. They're not listening and giving their thoughts afterwards, they're just waiting for an opening to utilize the lecture they had preloaded and ready to go beforehand.
Have I mentioned they're trash?
That brings us to the other side of the dysfunctional coin, doesn't it? We've covered the new age Hoedonna personality but we also have to call out the yin to their yang, the Punksapian.
These guys are victims in their own right. They're part of a generation who had to get their education on manhood from twitter-gram-book-chat. While this caused an absolute avalanche of problems, for the sake of keeping this under 10,000 words, I'm going to focus on the problem the very existence of these girls caused.
“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bike”. Welp, congratulations, now there aren't any bikes for your fish to ride. Now that's not to say it's purely the women's fault, I think this is a chicken or the egg situation, however we're here regardless. As women took on the guys natural and hardwired roles onto themselves, fellas were left empty handed. We had no unique and meaningful purpose. Hence perpetual boyhood.
Then you sprinkle in the woman treating her body like a trampoline park and, though I'm no chemistritian, you get the obviously predictable outcome. Perpetual horny boy, meet no commitment sexually available girl. Of course these punks are going to be assholes. And not only that, given that a lot of them still somehow manage to go hungry at The Golden Corral of poo-tang, they also become spiteful and angry.
Part of a man's wiring, whether y'all like it or not, is sexual prowess AND our ability to provide. Both of those blocks involve overcoming and appreciation in order to be foundationally sound. That's why we lose respect when it's easy, that's why we refuse to value what's just given to us. Most guys probably don't even recognize the internal sneer they experience when we see something that our instincts tell us should be precious being presented as garbage.
We resent it in the lizard part of our brains and because of that, we hate it. We begrudge the person making us experience that. It's no different when a woman represses her natural revulsion towards seeing a guy be an overly emotional lump on the couch. Ladies, your own lizard brain recognizes that as unnatural and you despise the way it leaves you feeling, which causes you to be disgusted by the dude making you feel that.
And that class, makes assholes and bitches.
But just like how the girls don't get a pass, neither do these chumps. They know what they're doing. Their instincts tell them that acting like a condescending, sits-when-he-pees, punk isn't the right way to be. They pick their shots like the guy who bullies the smallest guy in the bar and that makes my hackles raise up. You're picking on girls. Grow up.
If I weren't against this whole concept so strongly, I'd like to see girls do a podcast where they dump all over these new age buttercup boys in the same viral clip fashion.
*Deep breath……
We as a society have made the Andrew Tates and the Mia Khalifa’s mainstream. We've allowed not only our individual value to be diminished into a shadow of its former self but also made a show out of displaying our dysfunctions as if they were virtues. Everyone is guilty and we all have to own our part in that.
I never imagined when I was watching those girls having their picture taken that it was a glimpse into the future. That the trafficker and the girls getting groomed were trailblazers for this shallow new world we live in.
I wonder how long before my crimes become the in-vogue lifestyle influencers take on for likes and shares.
Watch your step, this slope is slippery.
It is good to get this perspective of things. Match it with the bigger perspective behind the scenes of an agenda being pushed upon our society by those that hate a country founded on Christian Judeo beliefs. The attempts to destroy manhood in our society with the women's lib movement. Then the attempt to destroy women with the trans men in women's everything movement. Confuse the children with their identity. Destroy families by confusing what a male and female are. Confusing what a father and mother are. Change the whole fabric of a country of what is right/wrong/acceptable/unacceptable.
Just wanted to say that I read everything you write. Your writing is really, really good. I relate to a lot as a recovering addict.