Able to write in cursive and operate a manual transmission in an effortless bound...

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I can do both at the same time :)

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Gen X power.

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Good stuff!

Gen X - raised on hosewater and neglect

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And popping holes in the screens to your parents bedroom window because you forgot your house key…yet again. And them finding out only because your dumb ass forgot to pick the pencil up from where it landed on the floor in their bedroom after using it to bore a hole through their screen…ahhhhh memories…

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Jan 18Liked by Coleman

I love this. Although, I have zero idea what the ultimate argument is.

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That's how everyone feels about it lol

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I know people who will say that there is no difference but as a Gen X I have worked with both Boomers, a few silents and plenty of the millenials and some zoomers, there is a difference. Huge. I can read & write cursive despite my disability, drive a stick shift and operate a rotary phone. I have been asked by both sides to help with tech or help with life skills.

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Jan 18Liked by Coleman

I did have wonderful silent gen parents, but...GEN X to the core!

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You’re on a roll J. Coleman… hey the thing I learned was the HUGE difference culturally Generation X was from us Baby Boomers; like I was born in 1958 and my little brother 1961 early Generation X and the Social Engineering was very different when he was born than my birth in the 50’s… two entirely different worlds within 3 years of each other.

Even the New Hollywood began in 1960 as CIA social engineering tool from WWII when the OSS was tied to Hollywood before it became the CIA in 1947.

The OSS-CIA never left Hollywood when WWII ended.


It’s the world’s largest most powerful propaganda tool on Earth.

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

I thought I would leave a comment but I am Gen X, and we don’t leave comments because we know it doesn’t matter anyway....regardless, cool post!

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I was x-country skiing yesterday at -10 on a wetland where no one can see me and I thought, hmm, funny I've never seen a boomer or Millennial out here, lol

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We're the last generation of cool

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Jan 18Liked by Coleman

Good. We should not limit internet fighting to Blue/Red or White/non-White or woke/MAGA or vaxed/anti-vac. It’s also important we bitch and moan about generations . I think next step is that all people with a A in their names but no B should hate the ones without A but with B. Hate is good 🤪

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deletedJan 18
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Jan 18Liked by Coleman

Yeah well in my defense I was listening to Black Sabbath when I wrote it. Im GenX but them boomers had good bands in the 70s

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

I'd say mid 70s Xers and early mid 80s millenials are probably pretty similar since we experienced much of the same changes in technology and had to deal with Boomers and I mean thr real deal Boomers (late 40s early 1950s).

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Gen-Xer reporting for duty.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

I think this generation shit is stupid and the reason for it is they count the generations in way too many years. Fifteen is way too many. Take my "generation" The Millennials for example. The ones of us born in the early to late 80's fucking hate those 90's kids almost as much as we hate the boomers. It's because of them we get all the "Millennials are lazy shits." Fuck you guys! You know what our introduction to the work world was? You find any job you can no matter how shitty and then your poor ass was stuck there working for peanuts right along side some poor Boomer or Gen X'r who just lost the nice job he went to college for, his nice house, and his 401k. The worst part, your boss knew he owned your ass and if you worked really hard you got to do two people's jobs.

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You're kinda proving the point of the post, my dude

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Gen X either didn't go to college and worked or went military or dropped out to write apps for the Internet and free the world. Not Bill Gates though he kinda fkt it all up with licensing and government contracts. Then starts free-training millennials and zers to be minions. Well it turned out that way. Thanks Obillma.

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Great post btw, gen infighting is the last thing America needed. "stop the genwarz and holywarz!"

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Love this! Always proud to be a Gen Xer. Good stuff J.

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

The 'Scalp yourself challenge'. LMAO

Love it.

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Not to go too deep here, but to me it means this:

We're all on the same damn side here! Divide and conquer has worked out immensely well for those wanting to bring us down.

What happened to, "We're all in this together."?

The generational divide is fake. It's real in the relational sense but not in the physical sense.

Gen X knows that those before them had it better -- because they just did.

Gen X seems to accept it.


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