Jun 13Liked by Coleman

“The better off financially a neighborhood is, the quieter and more reserved it becomes. “

Truth! We are friends and hang out with people we like and have fun with.

Nothing more excruciatingly boring than having to be around people where you have to proper and watch what you say and do.

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I’ve worked for a countless amount of extremely wealthy individuals, and they and their families led pretty joyless lives. Some were on meds for depression . One lady in particular, had won tens of millions playing the lottery here, and while I was painting and decorating her huge mansion, complete with stables full of beautiful ponies, and horses, I never ONCE saw her smile.

She walked around as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Messed up.

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well dam said! ty ty ty

over the last few years especially everywhere i had gone it was like that. AZ to ga & in between. ppl id visit. holed up, sour, like waiting for death. ppl uptight, serious even in their "fun". then me, in my older rig, oh the looks.

everybody wanting me to go get "help" get an apt, live like them...no! im not ready to die im not done, i got a kayak to get & learn, lakes & rivers to visit. i go visit my friend every week i can & sit & laugh my ass off for a couple of hours. i did hate it tho when he would try to make everybody in the store look at me...yell i dont care, be silly, make fun of me but dont make me the center of attn. haha

some, too many, like misery...ppl dont get my humor...im not good with the drama & sob stories....i like where its real, u cry, laugh & still breathin, go on.

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I think laughing is my biggest addiction. It gets me in ‘trouble’, but that only makes me worse. Fuck it. We will be dead long enough!

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I often wonder why it is that the people who have the most in this world - a house, a car, a job, plenty to eat - are the most resentful and humorless.

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I work part-time in retail with a bunch of crusty old guys like me who can dish and take. It’s one on the reason I still work.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Coleman

Gosh, Coleman, I laugh a lot out here in the so called free world, and I bitch and moan a lot, and people I know well do the same, and I think, in the main, people I Iknow don't well do, too. The few times I was cofined, I didn’t care for it even a little bit. I can’t imagine being confined is more fun than not being confined. In the past, I had quite a few prison inmate pen pals, who were miserable and counted the days to being released, if they weren’t doing liife withot parole or were on death row.

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What we show the world vs how we were around each other are two very different creatures. I don't know the cats you're talking about however I knew plenty of guys who'd play the part for citizens

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What I show the world is what I am, and it’s not always been well received, but that’s not what I responed to.

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I didn't mean for you. I was talking about the pen pals. I can't talk about you being you

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The pen pals were miseralbe, nothing going on in their prisons turned them on, they wwere trying to stay out of dtouble, earn good time, parole, or their sentence to run out, or win their appeal, if they weren’t on death row or lifers wiithout parole. I did a workshop in a max secutiry prison at the request of the prison chaplain. Me, the chaplin and about 20 men. They were all miseralble.

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Jun 13Liked by Coleman

‘bitch, ain’t nobody miss you ‘ was a solid burn. 😂..

This whole ‘stack made my day.


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Jun 13Liked by Coleman

Yeah, there is nothing like what I call “men bonding insult humor”

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Jun 13Liked by Coleman

You are absolutely 100% correct! I remember times when I peed my pants from laughing so hard! Barely anyone any more has a sense of humor and I miss being around the folks who do - my sister and I were total crack ups. God Rest her soul, but I bet she’s laughing her ass off in the after life! God I miss her 🙏🏻😁😂

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Jun 13Liked by Coleman

Always fun to read your stuff. Thanks for the effort! I’ve been saying for a few years now that comedians will probably save us. I hope you like this song. It always cracks me up: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4mYtn4HXpyU&pp=ygUcT25lIG1vcmUgZGF5IGFib3ZlIHRoZSByb3Nlcw%3D%3D

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Jun 13Liked by Coleman

You framed it perfectly about people taking themselves or life too seriously. “Life is too important to be taken seriously.” (Oscar Wilde)

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When I showed up to a forward base in Afghanistan during the war, I went to the office to met the Chief. I figured this was a time to be serious given the circumstances. As I was standing in front of my new boss, he nodded to a big rangy Navy SEAL nearby, who walked over, wrapped his arms around me from the side, and started thrusting his hips, humping the side of me. I tried to get away and yelled "What the fuck are you doing?" while the Chief watched.

Big SEAL yelled back, "Hold still! I'm trying to establish my dominance." The whole room was cackling when the Chief finally called him off and the room welcome me aboard.

As crazy as the war was, I've never laughed as hard as I did during some of those misadventures with my best bud - that same Navy SEAL.

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You bring that fire mane. But I can't lie. Was the opposite for me, my laugh came years latter.

The night my boy hot rod got stabbed, was no hilarity. Was the Friday night before the start of Lent. Think it is called Ash Wednesday, and we at a dice game "off grounds" and we 16.

On a side bet, my folk went sideways. A side bet not even dice in hands. Jones ended up getting stabbed in the stomach. i'm tripping.

Rekon you know or heard about the dirty during the religious holidays?

Had to drive and drag him home, both of us fearing the wrath of not God but our parents. And he bleeding on my momma's car seats. Waited outside his crib until 4AM before I could help sneak him in. Neither of us was laughing.

Why I say street creed is a misnomer, because any real cat know what is way more important is having your folk back think or thin. Fck street cred, it only get you so far, it is basically flodging.

Was no laughing then, but we do today.

You and your pen are a beast mane.

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Damn, that went heavy and deserved a heavy response.

Glad you came out the other side

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LOL. I wasn't trying to get tattooed..

showing my age....

raised when tattooed meant stabbed...

Down hear, can't miss first Sunday before Lent mane


PS: that was quick lol

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“No wonder so many of you are pilled up, you're not allowed to be silly.”—You.

Exactly. I was silly before “Dysfunctional Girl Scout Camp.” Even now, after getting a spinal cord injury and partial paralysis, I still entertain myself and others. This one brought back some pent-up memories for me; some things I still actually miss.

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Really appreciated this advice. Quit being so serious and enjoy life to laugh and have fun is a much better way to live than being ‘cool’ all the time. My wife is much better at this and makes me love time with her so much more.

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I kept thinking of two people as I read this. One was comedian Doug Stanhope, who has basically nothing in the way of qualms or a filter. Hell, his latest comedy special opened with a joke about that kid who got eaten by an alligator at Disney World years back, and when my wife saw him live he berated the friend he randomly called on stage because the unexpected "I just found out I have cancer" revelation he gave ruined Doug's chances at a joke. It was a good natured berating, and awkward as the moment was for a lot of people in the audience, the man still managed to make them laugh. Man made a good point in another of his specials, too - people get too uppity about making fun of dark shit. Well life's already good at sucking so if you can make fun, then fuck it, make fun.

The other person this makes me think of, well, I think I'm gonna write about him myself elsewhere. You've inspired the hamster in my head to get back on his wheel for a couple minutes.

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Stanhope is one of my favorite comedians

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Figured he would be if you knew about him, seems up your alley for sure.

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Change the circumstances a little, and laughing can look just like crying. Really glad your sense of humor runs strong, Coleman. I sure do rely on mine. Not much point in living out our days without it.

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