Thanks for that. Gotta go, fucking onions are obstructing my eyes.

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GOD at work.

How many found a glimmer of decency, a shred of compassion, how many chose that in Hell?

Someone that never walked in hell, won't understand.

Everyone that has, gets it.

In the Bible, it is said we sometimes entertain Angels, unaware. YESHUA also said, " As you do for the least of these,( poor, children, prisoners, infirm,) you do for ME. Every act of kindness towards Carl, was an act of worship, of GOD, in Hell.

Btw, ODIN, was also called the Wanderer, Gandalf, and would show up as a traveler in need. Wandering the Earth.

Why Hospitality became custom and law.

One never knew when a God, had come to their hearth. Even Pagans know,.

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

Fucking beautiful.

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What an incredible story, thanks for sharing. Sounds like Carl had been sentenced to death from the moment he was born but managed to find resilience. Even though he didn’t know it, he also found a purpose bringing out the humanity that exists in each of us.

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A beautiful, beautiful story Justin. Poetry. Man you really have to get these stories out into the world. It proves that there is humanity in the most violent of criminals. In their own ecosystem, an order was created. You had your own child to protect. This is what men are here for. To provide and protect for those who cannot do it for themselves. The fact that a whole max prison could create that order speaks volumes. As I said before, people are not born evil, some do evil deeds, some regret them, some don’t and people are complex. There are also spiritual possessions that take over people and I have survived that, but ultimately nobody wants to end up in prison, nobody wants to live like a rat in a cage, nobody wants to go back in once out if they can start again. Life is tough and we need a support network. That support network has been terribly weakened by the global system of dominance and greed by the few. It’s up to us to start a new system from scratch. We are doing this in Ireland, I am one of the many who is doing this. We are building a new system of governance, of law, of finance and of community living. It’s going to be beautiful.

America must do the same. The environment convicts find themselves in forces them to behave in survival mode, be tough as fuck or be destroyed. But yet when the Gpop see a man who is a child and has no way to defend himself, all of a sudden they find shared humanity, humility and grace. This is something we all want, all strive for in our lives but it has to be a collective effort because inside, if you show that soft side of you without the collective agreement, it could be a death sentence.

Ultimately this story proves, we all, even the most violent of us, want to live in peace and harmony, with some exceptions of pure evil, who are beyond help.

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In interest of transparency, because I'm telling a story rather than a documentary, I'm presenting it in a certain light to convey how I feel about it in hopes others will feel it too. While the things I mentioned are factual, we both know the correct wording can make almost any situation or event appear however we wish. I could've told the same story with all of the same facts with different wording and make it sound like a dark and depressing tale about a handicapped man in prison. So I don't want to oversell us

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I hear you and I’ll say this. Nobody in the outside world wants millions of people locked up like animals. If there was a way to reduce the prison population by truly reforming those inside prison by creating an environment where it’s done by themselves, then you have a win all-round. The prisoners win, the guards win, the state wins and the outside world wins. I’m a trained facilitator and I help people to come together in circle and use simple but highly effective facilitation techniques to create harmony with people who normally wouldn’t be in the same room. Per example, if you brought the leaders of all the gangs together and taught them facilitation techniques it would empower them and reduce the necessity for violence in the gpop.

I can do this and would do this. You through your stories have shown that you are a natural facilitator and peace maker.

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Yes I’ve read that. I’ve read everything you have posted on Substack. Sometimes people don’t realise that the ones they are looking for to bring about reform are themselves. The system has no ability to reform itself. I’m just out of court here in Ireland where a local lunatic was parked on a main road, lights on, no indicator, no hazards, so I had to go wide around him on my electric bike close to the far footpath, just in case he decided to turn right.

And low & behold, that’s exactly what he did. As I was passing him he just flashed his right indicator and started accelerating like a bat out of hell right for me as I was half way past him. I hit my accelerator on the bike to try and outrun him but he was coming too fast and drove straight into me, where I smashed my head off the driver’s side beam and flew over the bonnet. Blood gushing out of my head I jumped up and he got out of the car saying, hey you ok? I didn’t see you! I said no shit Sherlock, you nearly killed me!

Now I’ve been fighting for duly deserved compensation for 4 1/2 years, fighting not only the meaness of the insurance company, but the arrogance and laziness of my legal team. A personal injury board offered me €3,100 with my solicitors fees being €1500 + taxes. Obviously I didn’t accept that but fought. And fought like a prize fighter refusing to hit the canvas. I insisted on €20,000 plus costs right up till 5pm yesterday, fighting the whole system. The other side refused to budge from €7,500 including legal costs and solicitors cut which would have left me with around €4,000.

Bizarrely, my phone charger wasn’t pushed in properly last night, my phone went dead, I didn’t wake up till 10am and had to rush from two counties away to get to court, with the solicitor raging leaving voicemails, where are you?

So all the legal wankers, judge and police were waiting on me and I had to send my dad in to hold the family line while I negotiated over the phone. I managed to negotiate a settlement of €10,000 plus all costs and the solicitor took a cut in half of his fee to see the back of me.

I won, I wore them all down, not sure why I had to sleep it out, I never do for important situations. My point is, none of them could see their behaviour was anti-human. It had to be pointed out to them. Maybe in my absence they could reflect and come to an agreement.

Only people can reform people. Those who run the system are slaves in awareness and consciousness to the system and will never reform it. It’s up to us who have suffered the most to realise what can be done and just do it.

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Thank you for this, and blessings upon you, Carl, & his friends.

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Sounds like Carl was a victim of the "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" mentality.

When they did away with mental facilities. That's where most people like Carl ended up, on the street.

Sure there were messed up things that happened in mental institutions, but the alternative is someone living on the streets -- or ending up in prison. Ending up in prison is usually the case, because people that can't function in society will often find some way to end up in prison eventually.

What's the answer to all this? I have no idea. I just know that there needs to be options for people who are seriously mentally ill, or retarded. Because often times the family can't afford to institutionalize them, or care for them.

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

It appears to me, after reading this incredible article, that Carl unintentionally ministered to the inmates more then they too him. An unspoken soulcare. Carl is the broken mirror in which each inmate could see an image of themselves. Each inmate able to experience a measure of good still within themselves regardless of whatever offense they were serving time for.

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Thank you for doing what you did for Carl, he did not die without belonging somewhere. That is something a lot of people never have in this world. It is good to hear you were all able to give it.

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Sorry. When did you get your start as a writer? What inspired you to write?

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I was getting into an argument with someone on Twitter about prison recidivism and I got a message from the owner of Wrong Speak Publishing asking me if I could write something about a prisoners perspective, hence my Substack title. He explained to me how to create an account and how to submit what I wrote. He published it and people got to discussing the topic and I just kinda kept running with it. It started out as opinion pieces and evolved into getting to tell stories.

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Fascinating. Good things can result from social media...

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I deleted my Twitter a while back because it was mostly just me being feral and going after people, but I did get that benefit

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

Extremely powerful.

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I saw and met lots of men like this with arrested development in IDOC.

Some would get out and commit felonies to come back to the joint because they couldn’t handle “polite society”.

They found fellowship and understanding with convicts who cared.

These are precious souls in the sight of God despite the cruelty of men to them in society.

I feel You. This touched your heart and humanity behind the walls.

You’re right. A lot of outsiders who were never locked up won’t understand it.

To love these men and have compassion for them and take care of them in there makes us better human beings.

I often wonder what happened to some of them I knew behind the walls like this.

I believe 110% when they pass they’re in Paradise loved by God who put them here as a lesson for us to grow by J. Coleman.

I’m ever grateful for those men who helped me get my lost humanity back.


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Goose bumps. This is some inspired writing! Thanks for touching my heart. ❤

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Jan 19Liked by Coleman

A moving story well told. To me, it's especially meaningful, considering the image you chose to put with it. Some time ago, one of my sons was expressing his concerns about the depressing "state of things." I reminded him of the adversities his ancestors endured and overcame, through much more difficult times. I told him, "We are like the dandelion that always finds a way to not just survive, but to thrive, even if it's only in a crack in the sidewalk."

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Absolutely fantastic!

Keep up the good work!

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Dude this is incredibly wholesome. Really glad that his sentence was appealed and he didn’t get the death sentence.

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